An Exploration Into Shadow Work Through Costume Making and Self-Portraiture

All joking aside, what does it mean to be running from your problems? How do you know if you’re running from your demons instead of facing them?
They’re called ‘your’ demons because they are yours, they are parts of yourself that are rejected and hidden. When we reject or demonize parts of ourselves, we want to push these parts as far into the shadows as possible to avoid the pain of having to identify with these parts or share these sides of ourselves with the world. The problem is that these ‘demons’ don’t go away, they live in the shadows of the unconscious mind to haunt us and cause the same familiar patterns of pain in our lives again and again. If you’ve identified a painful pattern playing out on repeat in your life, perhaps it’s time to stop running from that demon and DOMESTICATE it instead!
My new mini-course Demons Are For Domesticating is an exercise in Shadow Work just in time for All Hallow’s Eve to connect with the magic of the season in a whole new way. Using meditation, costume-making and self-portraiture, you will learn how to reframe your relationship with the parts of yourself you don’t like.
I believe the delight in costume-making during this time of year is the natural pull of the Collective Unconscious calling us into the mysteries of our own minds. Carl Jung believed that humans have a natural soul drive to integrate all parts of ourselves in order to experience deep fulfillment in life. Why are we attracted to one costume instead of any other? The soul is using the law of attraction to tempt us to learn what it’s like to walk a mile in that character’s shoes.
This mini-course comes with access to a private forum for us to connect over our common experience. As we’re striving to find community again in post-pandemic society, we can choose to intentionally re-enter back into everything, including the holidays, or “Holy Days” we honor. Honoring shadow work should absolutely be normalized and celebrated as a community, and it can start with how you approach the season of Halloween.
Demons Are For Domesticating starts on September 9th with a message in your inbox alerting you to the first activity. They are self-paced and you can work on them throughout the week. You’ll have access to our own little private forum through my website where we can share our experiences along the way - almost like our own little virtual cruise to work through the course material together. We’ll go through the background information and the instructions, and then comes the fun part - making your costume! There will be weekly art tutorials to give instruction in some different costume-making techniques, but you’re encouraged to get as creative as you want!
Class starts on September 9th, 2024. Sign up now for $44, price goes up 9/1