Inspired by the Wild is a call to action.
I'm Amelia Mosher, Artist, Educator, Holistic Practitioner, and I want to connect you to the deepest part of your inner knowing: the part of you that is still wild.
Many of us are are already experiencing the consequences of living disconnected from Nature. Despite all of our perceived progress, we are the sickest we've ever been. Society has conditioned us out of our intuition in order to conform to the pace of modern day living. We have forgotten how to cultivate plants for food and medicine, how to heal ourselves, how to learn from animals, read tides and navigate by the stars.
As this wisdom becomes more fragmented, so do we.
The wild part of you has its own momentum and desire to grow. Your untamed soul remembers that you are divine, but in this ego-driven world it's easy to forget. When we are trapped in ego-centric thinking we stick to what is safe and familiar, and never pursue our deepest desires, never achieve our greatest potential. You were meant for more.
Welcome to Inspired by the Wild: here you will find classes, products and resources to support you on your journey to the life of your wildest dreams.